Recalibrating Me: A Journey of Motherhood and Professional Growth

The Journey Begins…

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— Jeff bezos, FOUNDER & CEO AMAZON

‘Everyday is day 1.’

When I started my current role, I felt completely overwhelmed. I was still reeling from being laid off just three months before, adjusting to life as a new mom, and honestly, just felt lost. In the midst of it all, my husband reminded me of a quote by Jeff Bezos: “Every day is day 1.” People can interpret that in a variety of ways, but for me, it means that each day is an opportunity for a fresh start. Whether you’re dealing with sleepless nights because your baby woke up three times, struggling to grasp a new project at work, or simply feeling off, each new day offers a blank slate.

This idea has been a game-changer. It’s allowed me to stop feeling pressured to be perfect every day, and instead, to simply show up. Today, for instance, is my day 1. Most of the day, I was in my head, consumed with uncertainty about my job security. I’ve built my career around this position, which offers certifications, training, and opportunities to grow into the best version of myself. I was counting on the stability and structure it provided, but now, thanks to changes in the industry and the world, things feel up in the air. I’m not saying I’ll lose my job, but I do believe it’s going to look different in the future.

I found myself spiraling into “what if” scenarios — what if I end up competing with a much more qualified pool of candidates in a job market that’s only getting more competitive? What if I’m not enough? I had a rough day, but I decided to do something different: I started this blog. Not for anyone else, but for me — a way to process my thoughts, and maybe, as a form of therapy.

I know I can’t be alone in feeling this way. Is every woman who’s just had a baby completely sure of her career path? Do they wonder if they’re still qualified for the job they’ve been doing? There must be others who feel just as confused, conflicted, and stressed as I do. So, today, I’m making it my day 1 of change. I’m no longer going to let uncertainty paralyze me on my journey to becoming the best version of myself.

Before today, worry and anxiety were my driving forces, but they led me to do nothing. In tech, there’s always something new to learn: new frameworks, languages, systems. As someone who’s self-taught and in my mid-30s, I often feel behind. I’ve wondered if it’s too late to switch gears or if I should give up on a lucrative career in tech because the talent pool feels overwhelming. But just typing that out makes me realize how harshly I’ve been treating myself.

But this stops now. I’m taking control back. I’m not going to surrender to fear or doubt. I’m going to make it happen. Tomorrow, I’m starting my AWS Cloud Practitioner course — I’m diving in. As my husband likes to say, “Action motivates.” And that’s exactly what I’m doing — taking action and starting my journey. I’m taking back my control.

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